User Guide for
Thank you for deciding to buy an altec product. In order to ensure correct functioning
and to avoid problems when installing this high-quality German-made product, please
read the entire manual and carefully observe the following points:
• Observe the general guidelines when handling components or modules which can
be damaged by electrostatic charge or discharge (this applies to the products
described in this manual).
• If you should encounter any problems during the installation or use of this prod-
uct, please contact our service department and ask for technical advice. If you do
not do this, your guarantee rights may be impaired.
Support hotline, Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 6.00 pm German time (CET):
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, duplicated, transcribed,
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from altec ComputerSysteme GmbH.
The right is reserved to change specifications without prior notice. All trademarks
mentioned are the property of the respective owners.©altec ComputerSysteme GmbH
HB_FC_Copy_III-CF_e10.pdf · Version 1.0 English · 11/2008 · For software versions 1.x.x
Image copies – copying of e.g. eight CF Cards with 512 MB in approx. 1.5 min.
(speed depends on card type).
SDHC, miniSDHC and microSDHC ready with suitable adapter.
1. Introduction
1.1 Product description
The FlashCard CopyStation III CF makes it easy to copy data images to up to eight
memory cards at the same time. The fully pre-installed hardware and software and
the user-friendly Windows software makes it very easy to use, even by untrained
1.3 Scope of delivery
CD-ROM with software and this manual as an Acrobat PDF file.
PC with four pre-installed 3.5" USB drives, pre-installed Windows Vista Business
SP1 (in English or German), pre-installed altec copying software, mouse, key-
board (with English or German keyboard layout) and external DVD RW-,
R DL-, DVD-RAM-drive with USB interface.
The FlashCard CopyStation III CF consists of a PC with four pre-installed 3.5" CF Card
drives for a total of eight CF Card slots, either English (Item no. B31AL311E) or
German (B31AL311) Windows Vista Business SP1 operating system and keyboard, pre-
installed altec copying software, mouse and external DVD RW-, R DL-, DVD-RAM-
drive with USB interface. You only need to connect up a monitor.
CF Card adapter as per customer order.
CF Card adapter for different memory cards formats are available on request
2. Inserting and removing of
memory media
The following software option is currently available:
1.) Software option for creating and copying smaller image files. This allows pro-
gramming to take place much faster if the master (source) memory media is only
partly filled with data.
Software Short Image Files – 31AL3102
In addition, the CopyStation software can be modified to meet custom requirements.
Please contact us for further information.
Please do not apply any force when you insert the CF Cards or CF Card adapters in the
slots of FlashCard CopyStation III CF.
Insert the cards with the connector in front and the labelled top facing upwards into
the CF Card slots. The black eject buttons of the CF Card Drives will pop out when the
cards are properly seated.
To remove the memory media, please press the eject button of the respective slot and
pull out the memory media completely.
1.2 Features
Memory card copy machine with eight CF Card slots for CF Cards and all
memory media which can be used with a CF Card adapter, such as SD &
SDHC Cards, miniSD & miniSDHC Cards, MultiMediaCards, all Memory Sticks,
In-house developed copy software with the same «look & feel» as all other
altec CopyStations.
English or German user interface can be selected.
Job Wizard to specify parameters for the copy job such as the image file name,
number of copies and whether to verify after writing or not.
Separate controller for each card slot or contact pad allows parallel processing
of copy commands for very high performance.
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
3. Starting the software and logging in
4. Copying from card images
3.1 Starting the software
4.1 Creating an image
To start the software, double click the button "FlashCardCopy" which is on the
Windows Desktop. This button is a shortcut to "FlashCardCopy.exe", which is normally
installed in C:\Program Files\altec\
The storage capacity of the master (source) memory card must be identical to the
storage capacity of the destination cards (the cards onto which you want to copy).
We strongly recommend that the master card and the destination cards are from
the same manufacturer and preferably from the same manufacturing batch.
You then need to accept the licensing agreement by clicking "OK".
After logging in as admin, insert the master card in the CopyStation.
3.2 User log in
After a short delay, the color of the slot changes to blue to indicate that a card is
After accepting the licensing agreement you will be shown the login dialog box (see
figure). The default user name and password to
log in as the administrator is admin and admin.
The default user name and password to log in as
a normal user is user and user. In this case you
are only given limited rights to the program func-
tions. You can only open and run existing copy
After successful user login the following program window appears (see figure below).
Empty slots are shown in grey. Slots are also shown in grey if the memory card they
contain cannot be recognized or does not respond.
Choose "Create Image" in the "Run" menu to create an
image of the master memory card.
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
This opens the "Create Image Options" dialog box (see figure below).
Click the "Select" button and enter the required name and location for the image file
in the "Save As" dialog box which is shown (see figure at the bottom). Use the file
extension ".img". Click "Save" to save your settings. Then specify the slot which con-
tains the master card by entering the slot number. Slot number 1 is on the top.
Click "OK" to read the card contents
and create the image file. Progress is
shown in the main window using a
progress bar. The color of the chosen
slot changes to yellow (slot is busy).
4.2 Optional: Creating a short image
This feature is only available if you have purchased the software option Short Image
Files (Item no. 31AL3102).
Memory cards often only need to be partly filled with data.The rest of the media is left
empty and can be used by the customer to store his or her personal files. The Short
Image Files software option significantly speeds up copying smaller amounts of data.
The image has been fully created
when the progress bar reaches 100%,
the message "Operation done"
appears in the message panel on the
left of the main window and the slot
color changes to green again (see fig-
ure on next page).
The short image files software option currently only supports the FAT16 file system,
which limits the maximum capacity of the cards to 2.0 GB. Support for the FAT32 file
system will be available soon.
The FAT (File Allocation Table) of the file system stores information on memory blocks
which contain user data. By analyzing the FAT, the CopyStation software can determine
the last block of memory which contains user data. If you create a short image file, it
will only contain data for memory blocks which are being used.
To maximize the speed benefit (minimize the size of the short image file), the master
(source) memory card should not have fragmented data blocks. Data blocks get frag-
mented if the card has often been written to since it was last formatted.
If necessary, format the source memory card and copy the data back on again before
using it to create the short image file.
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
When making copies using a short image, it is only necessary for the CopyStation to
write data to some of the memory blocks in the destination memory card. This leads
to a speed advantage. However, if the destination card has already been used to store
files, some of the unused and unwritten blocks may still contain old data. Although the
old data will not appear as files in the file system (directory), in some cases the data
can be analyzed using special software tools. This could present a security risk if the
memory card was previously used to store sensitive information.
4.3 Creating a job
Choose "New Job" in the "File" menu to create a new copy job with the Job Wizard.
In the Job Wizard, clicking the "Select" button (see
figure below) to select an image. Then choose the
required image using the "Open" dialog box which is
If you want to use a Short Image please be aware that
".img.short" files will not be shown in the Open dialog
due to the standard settings that only shows *.img
files. Please select "Files of type: All Files (*.*)" to open the Short Image.
For short images too, the storage capacity of the master (source) memory card must
be identical to the storage capacity of the destination cards (the cards onto which you
want to copy).
Choose "Create Image" in the "Execute" menu. This opens the "Create Image Options"
dialog box:
Check the "No. of copies" check box and enter the total number of copies you want to
produce (see figure below). If you don't mark the "No. of copies" check box, an unlimit-
ed amount of copies is produced until you cancel the copying process manually by
loading a new job.
If you check the "Create short image" checkbox, the CopyStation software will create a
normal image and a second image with the file extension ".img.short". Use the second
image to create a short image job. When you specify the copy job in the Job Wizard,
you must check the "Allow short image file" checkbox in the "Extended Settings" tab
(see next chapter).
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
Extended Options
4.4 Starting a copy job
Remove the master card from the CopyStation and insert fresh memory cards you
want to copy to.
Click the "Extended Options" tab to specify additional settings (see figure below).
Check "Verify after write" if you want the data to be verified automatically after
Click "START" to start programming (see
figure on right).
The color of the slots which contain mem-
ory cards changes to yellow (slot is busy).
See figure below.
The data has been copied successfully to
all of the cards in the CardBox when the
progress bar reaches 100%, the message
"Operation done" appears in the message
panel on the left and the slot color
changes to green again.
Short Image Copy
The "Extended Options" tab also con-
tains the check box "Allow image file
smaller than card" which must be
activated if you want to copy short
image files (see chapter 4.2).
Saving a copy job
Click the "OK" button and enter the
required name and location for the
job file in the "Save As" dialog box
which is shown. Use the file extension ".job". Click "Save" to save the file.
Replace the programmed memory cards with fresh cards.
When all fresh cards are activated (slots are blue) click the "START" button again.
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
Keep on replacing memory cards until you see the "Job finished"
message, which indicates that the specified number of copies have
been made.
5. User software menus and functions
5.1 "File" menu
This menu lets you create, save, open or modify jobs or exit the pro-
The message "Count exceeds JobCount" is shown towards
the end of a copy job if the number of cards inserted is
higher than the number necessary to complete the job
(see figure).
"New Job" creates a new job. Choose an image file in the Job
Wizard (see p. 11). Choose the number of copies you want to
produce (see p. 11). Click the "Extended Options" tab if you
want to carry out verification after writing (see. p. 12).
"Open Job" opens an existing copy job.
"Save Job" saves an open copy job.
Remove some of the memory cards until you have the exact number of cards needed
to complete the job. The software will only finish the copying if the number of cards is
"Save Job as" saves a job under a new name.
A red slot and an error message in the message panel on the left indicate that a
copying error has occurred (see figure below).
"Job settings" opens the Job Wizard where you can modify and save an open
job. If no job has been opened, the command has the same effect as the "New
Job" command (see above).
"Logout" logs out the user.
"Exit" terminates the program.
5.2 "Run" menu
This menu lets you create image files and
select direct copy or verify commands for sin-
gle or all memory cards.
"Create Image" reads the data image of
a memory card and saves it at any user
selected directory (see p. 7 ff).
"Write . . . single card" opens the "Write Options" dialog where you have to
select an image file and a card slot. After confirming the selection with "OK",
copying to the selected card is started.
You can re-use saved copy jobs at any time.
If you want to change settings for a job, we recommend saving it with a new name.
Then choose "Job Settings" in the "File" menu to modify the job and confirm by click-
ing "OK".
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
"Write . . . all cards" opens the "Write Options" dialog where you have to select
an image file. After confirming the selection with "OK", copying to all cards is
5.4 "Info" menu
This menu lets you open this manual as
a PDF file and call up information about
the program.
"Compare . . . single card" opens the "Verify Options" dialog where you have
to select an image file and a card slot. After confirming the selection with "OK",
data comparison between the image file and the selected card is started.
"Help" opens this manual as a PDF
file in the selected user interface
language. Please note that you can only read PDF files if Acrobat Reader has been
installed on your computer. You can find setup files for the Acrobat Reader on
the CD delivered with your CopyStation.
"Compare . . . all cards" opens the "Verify Options" dialog where you have to
select an image file. After confirming the selection with "OK", data comparison
between the image file and all cards is started.
The manual files are stored on the CD and in the program folder and can also
be opened directly.
5.3 "Settings" menu
This menu lets you select the user interface language.
"About" opens the program's information window where you can find the
software version number and the license agreement.
"Language" opens the "Select Language" win-
dow where you can select German (deutsch)
or English as the user interface language. Note
that standard Windows dialogs shown by the
CopyStation software are always in the language of the Microsoft operating sys-
tem you are using.
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
5.5 Card information
7. Technical specifications
of the FlashCard CopyStation III CF
With a right-click on the slot of an inserted
card, the slot number as well as card informa-
tion is provided.
– CF Card slots
8 (2 per CF Card Drive)
Card information
– Supported card types
CF Cards Type I & II and all memory media
which can be used with a CF Card Adapter,
such as SD & SDHC Cards, miniSD &
miniSDHC Cards, MultiMediaCards, all
Memory Sticks, xD-Cards
In order to get detailed information on a mem-
ory card, right-click the respective card slot and
choose "Information" from the context menu.
This opens a new window with information
such as capacity (the figure shows an example
for a CF Card).
– Case
PC (without monitor) with four CF Card Drives;
incl. keyboard, mouse, graphic card, external
Multi-DVD Drive and standard interfaces
– Data transfer rate (example)
eight CF Cards with 512 MB in approx. 1.5 min.;
speed depends also on type and brand of card
– Compatible with
Windows Vista
Windows Vista Business SP1
6. Software option "Short Image Files"
– Supplied operating system
This software option allows you to create and copy short image files. If the master
(source ) memory media is only partly filled with user data, the resulting smaller image
files allow faster programming of the target memory media.
Environmental specifications
– Temperature
5° to +45°C (operating)
0° to +75°C (non-operating)
– Humidity
10% to 90%, non-condensing
Detailed information on using this software feature can be found in chapters 4.2
and 4.3.
– 31AL3102
Software Short Image Files
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0
8. Support and further information
Support hotline from Monday t o Friday, 8.00 am to 6.00 pm German time (CET):
Please ask for our product overview or visit our website for information on further
CopyStations, storage products, Flash Card Drives and Solid State Disks from altec:
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