Model PRO 9232a
Congratulations on your purchase of the PRO 9232a automotive Keyless Entry
Upgrade Alarm System. This system is a state - of - the - art auto security system
that is designed to automatically arm and disarm when it receives a command from
your existing Factory Keyless Entry Transmitter. Taking a few moments to read this
manual will help to ensure that your vehicle is protected at all times.
The system has the ability to beep the vehicle's horn, sound a siren, or both. Where
a beep or chirp is mentioned, consider either or both may sound.
1. Turn the ignition key off, exit the vehicle, and close all doors.
2. Press and release the Lock button on the keychain transmitter.
3. The siren and or horn will beep one time, the parking lamps will flash one time,
and the red dash mounted LED will begin to slowly flash, indicating that the
system is ARMED.
If the siren/horn sounds 3 chirps, then you have left a door, trunk, or hood lid ajar.
Simply close the opened entry point to provide full protection. If the siren "chirped"
three times, sometime after arming, the exclusive delayed dome light learn circuit
has been programmed and the system detected a open entry point after the
learned delay expired. Again, closing the hood, trunk, or doors will correct the
problem and you do not need to disarm the system to make the correction. If the
siren/horn did not sound when arming, then the chirps have been turned off, and
you should refer to the section titled “ ELIMINATING THE ARM / DISARM CHIRPS “
in this manual.
4. Any time the door lock switch in the vehicle is used to lock the doors while
the ignition key is turned off, the system will immediately arm. To lock the doors
after entering the vehicle, make sure the ignition key is switched on first.
Turning the ignition key on first will stop the system from arming.
1. Turn the ignition key off, exit the vehicle, and close all doors.
2. The dash mounted LED will begin to flash rapidly, indicating that the system
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installed, the vehicle’s interior lights will turn on for 30 seconds, or until the
ignition key is turned on.
NOTE: If your system has been programmed for “ passive arming “, then it will
begin to re-arm immediately after disarming. This is indicated by a
rapid flashing of the red dash mounted LED Opening one of the
vehicle’s doors will suspend the passive arming process until all doors
have been closed, or until the ignition key has been turned on.
The system will inform you if an intrusion attempt has occurred while you were away
from the vehicle. If an intrusion attempt has occurred, the siren and or horn will beep
four times when the system is disarmed. The vehicle’s parking lights will also flash
three times to indicate an intrusion has occurred.
Enter the vehicle and observe the dash mounted LED for further information.
1. If the LED is flashing one time...pause...etc., then an
intrusion attempt was made to a voltage sensing, light activated entry point, or
to an optional sensor that has been connected to zone 1.
2. If the LED is flashing two times...pause...two times...pause...etc., then an
intrusion attempt was made to the hood or trunk, or to an optional sensor that
has been connected to zone 2.
3. If the LED is flashing three times...pause...three times...pause...etc., then an
intrusion attempt was made through one of the vehicle’s doors.
These intrusion warning indicators are stored in the system’s memory, and will
only be erased when the ignition key is turned to the “ on “ position.
The buttons on your keychain transmitter will allow you to immediately activate the
alarm in emergency situations. To use the remote panic switch;
1. Presstheunlock,thenlock,thenunlockbuttonsonyourkeychaintransmitterwithin
3seconds. Thealarmwillimmediatelysound,andcontinuetosoundfor30seconds.
2. To stop the alarm before the 30 second cycle has expired, simply press and
release the unlock button on your keychain transmitter.
The valet switch allows you to temporarily bypass all alarm functions, eliminating the
need to hand your transmitter to parking attendants or garage mechanics. When the
system is in valet mode, all alarm functions are bypassed, however the remote panic
feature and remote door locks will remain operational. To use the valet mode, the
system must first be disarmed either by using your keychain transmitter, or
by activating your personalized manual override code.
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1. Disarm the unit by use of the factory transmitter or by use of the manual override
2. Turn the ignition switch to the “On” position.
3. Press and hold the valet/override pushbutton switch for 5 seconds. The LED
turns on, indicating valet mode has been successfully entered.
With the ignition switch in the on position, press and release the valet/override
pushbutton switch one time. The LED turns off indicating the valet mode has
If your factory transmitter is lost, broken, or otherwise rendered inoperable, your
system can be overridden allowing operation of the vehicle. The manual override
code is pre-programmed at the factory to 11. This code can be changed by the
operator to a more familiar two digit number. Once you’ve become familiar with the
system’s operation and override procedure, we suggest you change the code for
added security.
NOTE: The override procedure below describes use, assuming that the factory
pre-set code has not been changed and is still set to the factory default 11.
The valet/override push button switch is used to enter the tenths and units
digits, pressing and releasing this button one time for each digit required.
To manually override your system, with a code of 11, follow the sequence listed
1. The LED is flashing indicating unit is armed, enter the vehicle, the siren will
sound, turn the ignition switch to the “on” position.
2. Within 10 seconds begin to enter tenths digit of override code. (In this ex-
ample the code is 11, so press and release the Valet/Override pushbutton
one time).
3. Within 10 seconds of entering the last tenths digit, turn ignition “off then on”.
4. Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition switch on, begin to enter units digit
of override code. (In this example the code is 11, so press and release
the Valet/Override pushbutton one time).
5. Within 5 seconds after the last units digit is entered, turn the ignition switch
off, then on, and start your vehicle.
If the manual override code is entered properly, the unit stops sounding, the LED
turns off, indicating a successful override. The system is now disarmed and you
can start and operate your vehicle. The unit will allow three attempts to disarm via
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the manual override sequence. If the code is not successfully entered within the
three attempts, disarming with the manual override switch will be locked for 10
In many cases, to increase the security of your system, you may elect to change
the manual override code to a number that is more familiar to you, or simply to
have a different code than was pre-assigned from the factory. To Change the pre-
assigned override code follow the steps outlined below.
It is advised you read both sections under the headings “Programming Your
Custom Override Code” and, “Custom Code Programming Example”, To com-
pletely understand the procedure before beginning:
Programming Your Custom Override Code:
Unlike override switches easily found, and defeated, the PRO-9232 allows the
consumer to program a personal override code, offering a higher level of security.
The system comes from the factory with a pre-programmed override code of 11. To
change this default override code, do the following:
1. Disarm the system by use of the transmitter, or by use of the emergency override
sequence. Turn the ignition switch to the on position.
2. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet/override switch, 3 times.
3. Within 10 seconds turn the ignition switch off, on, off, on, off, on.
(The siren or horn will beep and the lights will flash one time.)
4. Within 10 seconds, begin to enter your chosen 10ths digit by pressing and
releasing the pushbutton switch from 1 up to 9 times.
5. Within 10 seconds of the last entered 10ths digit, turn the ignition switch off then on.
6. Within 10 seconds, begin to enter your chosen units digit by pressing and
releasing the pushbutton switch from 1 up to 9 times.
7. Finish by turning the ignition switch to the off position.
If the new code was accepted, the unit will report back the newly entered code, by
flashing the LED, first indicating the 10ths digit, pause and then the units digit.
The unit will report the new code three times with a one second pause between
each code, then the system will begin arming. If the LED flash pattern re-
ports the previously stored code, the new code was not entered correctly. Please
repeat steps 1 through 7 above considering the following.
NOTE: Acceptable digits 10ths or units are 1 through 9. The unit will not recognize
a0 (Zero), or no digit entered in any place, units or tenths.
NOTE: If 15 seconds of inactivity expire, or if the ignition switch is turned off for
more then 5 seconds during any of the above steps, the unit will revert back
to the last successfully stored code.
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Custom Code Programming Example:
To Change the code from the factory pre-assigned code of 11 to “52” you would do
the following:
1. Disarm the system by use of the transmitter, or by use of the emergency
override sequence.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the on position.
3. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet/override switch, 3 times.
4. Within 10 seconds turn the ignition switch off, on, off, on, off, on.
(The siren or horn will beep and the lights will flash one time.)
5. Within 10 seconds, begin to press and release the push button switch to set the
tenths digit.
(As per the example, press and release 5 times to set the tenths digit to 5)
6. Within 10 seconds of the last press of the push-button, turn the ignition switch off
then on.
7. Within 10 seconds, begin to press and release the push button switch to set the
units digit.
(As per the example, press and release 2 times to set the units digit to 2).
8. Turn the ignition switch to the off position. Immediately observe the L.E.D. flash
You will note the LED flashing five times, pause, and then flash two times, pause.
This pattern will be repeated three times indicating the new code (52) has been
accepted and stored in memory.
NOTE: If after step 7, the LED flashes a code other than what was just entered, this
indicates that the code has not been changed. You will have to repeat
steps 1 through 7 above being certain to note the following:
Acceptable digits 10ths or units are 1 through 9. The unit will not recog-
nize a 0 (Zero), or no digit entered in any place, units or tenths.
NOTE: If 15 seconds of inactivity expire, or if the ignition switch is turned off for
more then 5 seconds during any of the above steps, the unit will revert back
to the last successfully stored code.
This system allows the control of any one of the following optional accessories;
Remote Car Starter
Remote Window Closure
Remote Window Open
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To operate the optional accessory;
1. Press the lock, then unlock, then lock buttons on your keychain transmitter within
3 seconds.
2. The optional accessory will immediately activate.
If your existing factory installed keyless entry system did not include the automatic
door lock and unlock feature, then this feature can be activated from the PRO 9232
upgrade module. When this accessory has been added, any time the ignition key
is turned to the on position and all vehicle doors are closed, the doors will lock in
4seconds. Additionally,anytimetheignitionkeyisturnedtotheoffposition,thedoors
will unlock.
The normal arming and disarming confirmation chirps can easily be turned off using
the valet pushbutton switch. To do this;
1. Turn the ignition key on, and then off.
2. Within10secondsofturningtheignitionkeyoff,pressandreleasethe valet switch
3 times.
3. a. If, before proceeding with step 1, the chirps were on, then you will hear 2 chirps
to indicate that the chirps have been turned off.
b. If, before proceeding with step 1, the chirps were off, then you will hear 1 chirp
to indicate that the chirps have been turned on.
4. Wheneverpowertothesystemhasbeendisconnected(forrepairorservicetothe
vehicle ), the chirps will be activated when the power is re - connected. To turn the
chirps off, simply execute steps 1 through 3 above.
NOTE : Whenever the Arm/Disarm chirps are by-passed, the 3 chirp defective
tampered with in your absence.
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PRO 9232a
RAPID FLASHING ..........................................................
SLOW FLASHING ...........................................................................
OFF ...........................................................................................
ON - SOLID ............................................................................
3 FLASH ... PAUSE .....................................................
2 FLASH ... PAUSE .....................................................
1 FLASH ... PAUSE .....................................................
1 CHIRP * ............................................................................................
2 CHIRPS* .....................................................................................
3 CHIRPS ...................................................................
3 CHIRPS .......................................
4 CHIRPS .................................................................
2 SHORT CHIRPS - 1 LONG CHIRP.....................
4 SHORT CHIRPS - 1 LONG ................................
* These chirps are optional, and can be de-activated.
1 FLASH ..................................................................................................
2 FLASH .........................................................................................
3 FLASH ...................................................................
Your System Has These Features Activated:
Starter Disable When Armed
Key Activated Auto Lock/Unlock
Shock Detector
© 2003 udiovox Electronicc Corp. 150 Marcus Blvd. Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788
FormNo. 128-6626
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